Sunday, October 2, 2016

Saturday Night Live Couldn't Go the Whole Way to Live Chickens

Saturday Night Live gave up their parody of the Clinton / Trump debate but it was more like just a retelling according to Wolf Blitzer as related to his mother.  They're so damn timid.

(Ed:  you didn't like it?)

This insufferable piece of fluff was just another Clinton suckfest.  Clear enough?

They should have had live chickens on their heads and any kid who knows his first elephant joke knows why.

They want to get to the other side, Mommmyyyy.

Listening to Hillary Clinton talking for ninety minutes about why she has a chicken on her head would make as much sense as anything else she has said through the season and would make the statement we expect from a satire rather than an ineptly-told version of a marginal story.  SNL might grow some balls if the show were on HBO or some other network where there's less flak from network goombahs requiring compliance.

Showing both of these monuments to Cheeze Whiz as the barking lunatics they have shown themselves to be has been too scary for much of anyone to consider.  There's just the ongoing Clinton suckfest coming at twenty megatons from all directions.  He's crazy and she's the better choice to control nuclear weapons so people make such decisions in part because of stilted crap like this so-called parody.

There might even be a bit of respect if Clinton gave a speech with her chicken on her head.  She's ok with using some plastic on her head in case of 'little accidents' since we really don't need that much intimacy.  If she can stay cool and talk with a chicken on her head then maybe she can maintain.  It's got to be real since the chicken will be able to tell if she's just reciting a speech and will peck her on the head.

Note:  American Indians used chickens as lie detectors by putting the chicken on the head of someone at trial because they could always tell when someone was getting nervous and would give them away.

(Ed:  there were no chickens in America until the conquistadors!)

Not true as there's credible evidence they came to the New World across the Pacific.  No-one seems all that sure of when they first got here but few seem to think it was as late as Columbian times.

(Ed:  how much of this is true?)

It's politics, Judge Wapner.  Everything is true so long as you want it to be true.

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