Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Here's One for Climate Change Denialists

The drought experienced in the Southwest and California in recent years can be expected again and much bigger ones too.  (Science Daily:  Megadrought risks in southwest U.S. soar as atmosphere warms)

There's no need for going into the science of it since denialists won't believe it because they want to waste more money on the military.  If it's not for more military, the denialists, as you've seen, will almost certainly block it. Face it.  They hate you and have absolute contempt for your existence.  All they want is your money.

Likely the Kaninchen are already aware of the growing problem.

The only sci fi it seems which comes out of this is a disaster / horror movie but don't write it yet since mitigation is still possible through significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (e.g. freon and anything similar).

One of the thing which frosts me no end from the denialists is their claim advice on climate change is just a get-rich-quick scam by scientists.  All we glean from that is denialists don't know any scientists and they're much like anti-vaxxers insofar as they find one scientist who went off the rails and they glom onto one for their 'proof.'  They ignore altogether the overwhelming majority of scientific researchers warn assiduously on climate change and have never wavered on that.

My ol' Dad was one of the two highest-paid professors at the University of Cincinnati and he was never even close to rich.  My top salary was higher than his and I was just spanking mainframes for amusement.  It was intriguing to play with the mainframes but I've had nothing to do with any of that since the bank stabbed me but I would have had nothing to do with them anyway.  Some things you only do if you get money for doing them and that was one of them.

With scientists, it's rare that they come away from it with lots of money.  Sometimes a professor would invent something at the University and then take it private to make scads of money.  Structural Dynamics Research Corporation is an example of that but it's rare.  Jonas Salk invented the polio vaccine and he didn't take a dime in royalties for it.  I'm sure he was well-paid as a doctor but he wasn't even close to a profiteer.

Of course denialists don't understand scientists as they're better people who don't spend their lives grubbing for money and lying to get it.  There are some bad scientists just as there are bad eggs in any crowd but, with denialists, the trouble is finding any good ones and you probably won't.  They have lied for so long they wouldn't know truth if it bit them on the ass.

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