Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Dealing Responsibly with Nukes (i.e. not America)

Obama signed off on abandoning the Yucca Mountain nuclear storage facility in about 2011.  That was generally in response to protests from people regarding trains conveying nuclear waste to the site for long-term storage.  That was the NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) phenomenon and the cleverness of that protest is shown through the fact the nuclear waste is now stored immediately in the back yard because the reactor sites store the nuclear waste on-site.  Not only is it now much closer but it won't go away.

Lately, Hans Blix, former International Atomic Energy Agency chief, has said nuclear reactors are 'terrorist bait' but, surprisingly, he doesn't say it because of the ease of reaching the nuclear waste.  (RT:  Nuclear power plants are terrorist bait, need extra protection – ex-IAEA chief to RT)

There was concern here at the Rockhouse at mentioning this previously since then some FBI thickwit can accuse me of promoting terrorism.  However, when international agencies say the same thing, accusing me of fomenting anything is ludicrous.

Note:  that's just one example of how Obama's illegal surveillance in America inhibits expression.

The nuke sites aren't likely the first target since it's much easier to attack other things for much more devastating effect but the officials claim the nuclear waste is stored in 'impenetrable casks' which only means you need to break them in some way they didn't test.  The method has apparently been to use rocket sleds to whack a cask into a target at high speed so we know that doesn't work.  In that case, get lasers and burn it.  The idea of impenetrability is an illusory Maginot Line and terrorists will just go around it.

The safest place you can possibly put that nuclear waste is in Yucca Mountain because then it will take a full-scale military assault to penetrate the facility and terrorists won't have the ability.

(Ed:  the safest thing to do is stop making the nuclear waste!)

Sure enough, we could do that and how about we stop using cars because of all the pollution they make.  Proposing unworkable solutions makes no sense since it prevents coming up with sensible solutions.

(Ed:  your solution?)

No, logic's solution.

More reactor sites are in some stage of development in US now and the continued failure to deal with the nuclear waste in a responsible way is exactly as Hans Blix has described, it's terrorist bait.

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