Tuesday, October 11, 2016

A Few More From Australia This Time

Left to right:  Queen Bee, Doc, Lotho, Silas, Tinkerbell (from 1956 or 1957)

Check out all those towheads as even Queen Bee and Doc are turning blonde but both are actually more like brunette or auburn.

Silas isn't blonde and he features the classic Fraser ears.  Lotho hasn't quite managed much hair yet and Tinkerbell was been blonde through her life.

Left to right:  Tinkerbell, Doc, Queen Bee, Silas (from about 1955)

Lotho was only a libidinal fantasy at this time but I'm sure he was a great one.

The room with all the windows was the sunroom and that's the one I flooded with a garden hose for indoor water sports when the 'rents were away or something.  I imagine my backside was well-warmed from that stunt.  Corporal punishment is important as how can one otherwise develop a sufficient contempt for authority.

Left to right: my young Mother, Doc, Silas (from some time in the early fifties)

The car is an Austin Wasp and it was often ridiculed by my ol' Dad for being so underpowered.  The motor may have had only two cylinders.  In the post-war, Australia was the only place making these Austin Wasp tourers.  (WIKI:  Austin 8)


Unknown said...

It is so interesting I love these family shots!never get bored looking at them !I wish I had more of my dad and sibs when they owned this small island in the west of Scotland !granmas dad my great grandfather was a wealthy man 'old man clark'I believe they owned a highland terrier which the kids loved .T he name of the island was eilay or something similar ,its still there obviously I bet the house was amazing

Unknown said...

Yes, that was Eriska! I've heard about that place since I was a kid and what an incredible place it must have been. I'm sorry but I don't have so many pictures and the one to find is Queen Bee since she wound up the historian. I think she has many, many pictures. You know Queen Bee on Facebook and I don't use real names here so let's go with she is the one with dark hair not blonde hair.

I will take a look to see what else I may have tucked away and I will post them as I find them. I'm glad you enjoyed them.