Tuesday, August 9, 2016

What's Hot on the Blog 8/11

Aug 9, 2016, 2 comments
Aug 9, 2016, 2 comments

Best News - even better, you know it's true because a squirrel shot the video with a GoPro

The Search - everything you ever needed to learn about cooking you can find right here

The Problem - when they see some may enjoy an unfair advantage, making all the other Olympians professionals as well was a poor solution

Expanding - without social networks, the thought of actually accomplishing things returns

Karriere geil - most amusing reference by Germans for those much-loathed creeps to those who don't care about anything to gain power

Nothin' Much - when there's no news, it's got to be good

Maybe - the effort to push Clintonistas out of here is sincere as they absolutely disgust me

Defeating - the coming election is show time for Wassermann Schultz and this is the opportunity to bury her once and for all

Springtime - only of Mel Brooks' funniest movie scenes from the fifties

Racing - showed there was no speed advantage with dlvr.it over TwitterFeed so it must be FeedBurner causing the problem.  It needs to be executed but I'm so dayum tired of fixing broken computer systems (after forty years of it).

Ithaka was hammering today and best in a week or so and it shows we don't need Clintonistas or Trumpites.  They have no true advantage beyond hype anyway as both are vastly outnumbered by the the number of Independent or potentially-Independent who have not previously had a chance to speak.  Looking to Indies to support Clinton or Trump is just laughable.

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