Saturday, August 13, 2016

Tweeting for Dollars in the Workplace

Some kid wrote earlier he Tweets for eight hours at work and then goes home.  How unutterably pitiful and I see the same thing from people with high-ticket jobs; that sort of thing elicits the same reaction to them as well.

That these beautiful minds are being wasted is such an extreme tragedy in a country which complains it doesn't have enough tech minds to meet the needs of the future.  No fucking wonder when they waste the most precious resource in the country with such lackadaisical nonchalance.

I have no kids in my life and never wanted any except for a relatively brief period in which my wife and I deluded ourselves and shamefully me doing more of the deluding even when I did not realize it at the time.  Whatever you may do really has no personal relevance to me but still it does.  Nothing ever held me back except for the typical conservative thuds who classically block everything but they almost always give up when you keep at it with a good point since theirs rarely means much.

Now the kids are just one more cash cow for Washington and the only ones I have ever heard address the problem with the faintest level of credibility have been Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein.  The biggest tragedy of that entire situation was how Elizabeth Warren was another but she hooked-up with Clinton and now she's blowing smoke like a locomotive.

My ol' Dad was a university professor and my tuition was free although I did not realize that was probably treated as income by Washington and he would have been taxed on it.  Books still had to be bought and they're a hefty expense but the G.I. Bill covered those along with some jingle for ganja.

It comes I see the opportunities in front of kids now and what should I do but weep for them.  Obama and Clinton talk of creating all these jobs but almost all of them are bullshit retail jobs which are one step over working in a fucking field if you don't like getting your hands dirty.

Unknown where the principle developed but I have worked in a fucking field and somewhere it came to me so long as you're willing to do the dirty jobs you will never worry for job security.  I never did and I never worried ... all the way up to six figures.  That never included being a hatchet man such as parasites like Mitt Romney since my work was honest but sometimes feckin' dirty.  In a bank, you're honest or they push you to top management (larfs).  That's why the only ones who ever get there are Republicans although Clinton has a good shot at it.

(Ed:  she's just another Republican!)

Yah and Republicans know that but the sheeple still haven't figured it out.  Palin was right.

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