Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Maybe the Fumigation for Clintonistas Was Not Complete

It turns out readers don't much like koala bears and really don't like Nelson Mandela even more.  Only sniveling wimps would skip Mandela and Clintonistas are first on my list in that category.  You couldn't get more personal and collective social cowardice from any others unless you put everyone in Washington into one huge quivering pile.  That would be fine, tho, as then we could get some gasoline and burn it.

They absolutely disgust me and I have severed all connections with any I know.  That won't relent as I'm finished with people so vicious and so easily gulled.

The Facebook flippity fops bask in their infantile narcissism as only babies think everyone likes them.  Most people don't like us anywhere and particularly online.  All your beloved colleagues at work will forget about after you're gone faster than they forget yesterday's newspaper which hardly any of them read anyway.

This is not a lament as I never invited colleagues to visit my house because I understood a long time ago the vast majority of them were just acquaintances not friends.

If you drop someone on Facebook, it's almost guaranteed they won't get it and maybe he whines, "How could you do this?"

You bored me.  Any questions?

Twitter is cool as no-one expects to be liked except for media clowns like Trump or children.  I don't know or care who follows me on Twitter but it doesn't matter unless they're Web hookers and those cheap tarts aren't even worth the time of day much less any real money.

Yevette said a bunch of Russians follow her so needs to be careful with that.  My response is you're letting the Internet completely Washington you into silence.  If your speech is curtailed in any way whatsoever, it's just another police state.

Bring on the terrorists and I don't give a fuck because America has more of them and worse ones.  Yesterday some asshole announced he would decapitate any Muslims he finds and his terrorist advantage is millions of symps will nod their heads with him and go, yeah, yeah, that's a great idea.

Conservatives love to blame political correctness on liberals but those monkeys wouldn't have an act without it.

Theresa May can be proud of herself as British troops were observed on the ground in Syria and she shouldn't just plan for more terrorist attacks, she should count on them.

It's a shame as the Brits once understood guerrilla war but they sure as hell don't anymore.  The only evidence America ever understood guerrilla warfare was with Mel Gibson in "The Patriot" but that was back when he was fighting with the French to liberate America from the UK.  There may be other examples but failure in that understanding is what led to the disaster in Vietnam and it's been getting its ass kicked by more guerrillas ever since.  Reprisal attacks in US are inevitable when the borders are huge and easier to get past than a floozy's panties.

The visionary clods in the Pentagon thought in Vietnam they could bomb them into submission and the five stars never learned a thing from it because they still try do to the same thing.  It's amazing how they can spend so much money to build smart weapons when they do such blindly stupid things with them (i.e. the designers are considerably more intelligent than the generals but, fortunately for them and unfortunately for the world, about equal in moral bankruptcy).


Anonymous said...

Tell Yvette dont worry the Russians follow me too! They pop up on my browser bare chested with little bitty tits...its scary stuff!! :)

Unknown said...

I've missed those ones but Russians are everywhere. I must be ever vigilant (larfs).