Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Best News You Will See All Day | Filmed by a Squirrel

You seriously want Wolf Blitzer after this.  Squirrel goes out to get the story himself because he's got the balls for it and squirrels have huge ones.  They fight by trying to bite the balls off the opponent.  It's survival of the fittest and nothing works better than that.  Opponent ain't never goin' reproduce.  Lovely creatures, aren't they (larfs).

This filth market of an Internet has got to have a picture of squirrel balls.  Don't let me down.

Glory be!  Check out those monsters.

This is a glorious piece of stupidity by the (cough) Intelligent Designers as the reason the cojones are outside the body is the sperm cannot be kept at body temperature or they will die.  Rather than evolving sperm which weren't such incredible wimps, it might have been better to evolve sperm which could (gasp) body temperature.  Nooooo, instead the Intelligent Designers left most males in the animal kingdom vulnerable to exceptionally painful assault and left most professional bicycle racers sterile.

(Ed:  is that true?)

Who cares.  Does it matter to you if Lance Armstrong reproduces.


Anonymous said...


Take care of yer balls!!

Who knew...the movie has all the answers!

Unknown said...

That movie broke every boundary of taste it could possibly find. It's Nirvana!

I did find "Springtime for Hitler," the previous title holder for the Most Tasteless Movie ever. It's a masterpiece!

Springtime for Hitler

Unknown said...

Wow! That even worked.