Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Expanding the Searching for Ithaka Map

The MAP of roaming about Europe is available as a tab on the top and it's novel by itself but expanding it would include a lot more pictures.  It should also be ok to load them full-res because it's Google's diskspace and it's free.

An exercise like that reeks of nostalgia but, despite that, there could be coolness in it as I have the pics so why not present them.  It seems the best thing because if I don't then it will make shooting the pictures a waste of time because no-one will see them.  Therefore it wouldn't be wasting time to roll them out and make them visible.  That's a bit of Photography Physics although usually it involves optics too complex for mortals to understand.

Mystery Lady, this is sounding not bad at all since there's no way to know how many of them you have seen and even the ones on the blog were not all of them.  Even Yevette hasn't seen them either and for the same reason as they had to have been on the blog for practically anyone to see them.

As to 'most people do not like you,' it doesn't apply to you or she since we confirm it all the time and we know each way it's real.  You knew intuitively online was a waste of time and saved yourself one hell of a lot of cheesy videos and infinitely vacuous chat.

It's the same way with Cadillac Man and I would have called already but I still wouldn't last long enough for a phone call.  In the Army days, people would say, "Man, my shit is weak!"

That covered just about anything from a cold to being busted all to hell.  Regrettably I'm closer to the latter than the former but the answer is still the same (larfs).

When even Pepsi has mostly gone overboard, you know right away the effort to do something about the situation is sincere and ongoing.

I'm a bit apologetic about the political articles but I see the horror news and it demands a reaction because complacence is never a sign of courage.  The seriousness of things may have escalated because there's much less ganja smoking.  It's not indicted as a cause since I still don't know what it does but the evidence is progressively more convincing it's an Aggravator.

Oddly, cigarettes have little effect and that's dead opposite my preference.  It's possible the problem comes because the ganja smoke is hotter and unfiltered.  If you smoke tobacco like that, it will take you to your knees.  Therefore the next move is to try a joint and that won't solve the problem but it's possible to smoke it like a cigarette and that may make a difference.

The vape is useless as the hit is different but not so much it matters.

Any activity will come later because there was an emergency mission to get milk.  That had to happen at six o'clock since it quickly gets too hot.  I was yukking it up with the cashier and told her, "This is the only time it's half way safe for an old guy to go outside."

She laughed and said it was the same with her.  She said she gets off in the morning and she doesn't even want to go outside to go home.  When she says that standing inside a Walmart, that's about all you ever need to hear about Texas heat (larfs).


Anonymous said...


Drink yer milk!!

Unknown said...

I love it as nothing was this crazy since "Springtime for Hitler" and Mel Brooks wrote that one. In fact ... where is it.

I really do drink milk by the gallon if I can get it and I'll easily drink a half gallon in a day. With minimal calories coming from food or Pepsi, that milk is the vital nutrition. I don't normally drink it that much but it's special right now.

Anonymous said...

Gosh, I hate to tell you this...but milk creates excess mucus and should be restricted in conditions such as yours. Also, sleep propped up at 45 degree angle when you sleep. Sorry, it's the nurse in me.

Unknown said...

I do know about the mucus but there are two problems when the lungs are plugged up and gut is bitching like mad. Food becomes nearly impossible and I eat almost nothing for days on end but then it suddenly starts to break and over days the sun starts shining again. Still no logical explanation for why it happens

Lying at an angle would be difficult but makes a lot of sense. I appreciate the nurse in you!

Anonymous said...

I know...cause I dont take meds for GERD any more and lean to your left side. Its true about the milk.

Unknown said...

I don't mean to argue about milk. It's just odd to see it helps one problem but may make another one worse. Life can be comical that way sometimes now.