Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Nothin' Much in the News

There's one horror kid who pranked her father with a video announcement of a nuke attack.  He freaks because, he's a Fraser and those gullible fucks will believe anything.  They live in Falsane, Scotland, a short distance from the UK's nuke subs so they're a guaranteed target already.  After a while, horror girl starts laughing at him and the only reaction coming to me was, whoa, you cruel bitch.

Get rid of her, lad.  The girl nae worth tuppence.

In real news, the ganja may not be the bad guy either as smoking a joint is less abusive than a pipe and there is consequently reduced coughing.  It's also the most expensive way to do it and that's why I rarely roll them.  It's obvious drawing any kind of particulate matter into your lungs is a stupid thing but the cigarette makers have been exceptional in making it smooth so you don't really know the damage you do until you're halfway into a box.  The actual trigger remains unclear.

Many thanks to Yevette for being the pilot to Walmart at six this morning.  That's the only time the temperature is civil enough to permit going outside.  Yevette won't go out there unless mandatory either.  Believe it or not as you will but the temperature is brutal right now and rain comes, likely in a big, big bang, on Friday night.  I don't care for the idea of singing in the rain but walking around in it sounds like a peach of an idea.

There was no way to do it had I gone by myself.  Yevette has seen that and no need for details.  It's the strangest thing when finding things you know you can do and suddenly you can't.  This isn't the first time and Mystery Lady was there when I was in far gone oblivion for much of a year due to being smashed all to hell.  It's amazing how Fraser bodies will fix themselves but I may have pushed it a wee bit too far this time (larfs).

I do larf to it as one of the great stories I ever heard from my ol' Mother and probably wasn't true was about a radio broadcaster during the Battle of Britain.   He announced before the start of every show, regardless of the bombing, "You've got to larf!"

Believe it or not as you will again but the situation is probably a whole lot funnier to me than it is to you.

Note:  I have tried to verify anything at all about that broadcaster and have never been able to do it.  The story still heavily leans toward true because she was in Edinburgh during WWII.  Unbelievably, Edinburgh was never bombed but BBC was broadcast everywhere and she would have heard it.

I just looked again but had no luck finding it.  I'm still not willing to let it go as she was there and she would have been in her twenties at that time.

Silas out for now.  Up/downs get a tad longer.

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