Monday, July 7, 2014

So It's Decided

The Way of Saint James is out.  To spend all my life trying to play something that doesn't suck and then chuck it to eat pine nuts just to scratch some more time ... no point in even continuing with the thought.

Stirling Moss wrote in "All But My Life" that he had given racing all but his life.  For music I say, fuck it, give it all.  One of the beauties of music is that you can.  Athletes can only be beautiful for a short time and they do look magnificent but that's not something you can still do and be credible when you're old.  You can make music practically until they pry the instrument from your fingers and what a privilege.

I haven't looked at comments or much of anything.  I couldn't handle it.  This situation is something I need to sort for myself as the playtime crazy part is done and onward with the real thing.

The two biggest Warning Lights flashing just now are not to get too preoccupied with myself and to set myself afire if I start getting nostalgic.

It seems more than ever the answer is to shut up and play.

My ol' Dad never asked if I was healthy or sick, how the job was going, etc.  He would only ask if I had been playing.  If yes then all is good.  I ask him things.  He never says anything but I know what he would say.

Yep, shut up and play.  That's yer answer.

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