Tuesday, July 8, 2014

lefty Unplugged Brings Magic to Cat's Art MusikCircus

Magic works even if you don't believe in it but lefty believes it very much and he brings a great deal of his own.  In fact, Cat and I were dressed appropriately for a lefty Unplugged show but *poof* lefty came, some magic happened, and there we were:

There are various ways I've tried to describe lefty Unplugged's work and here's a different one.  There's a reference to Diana Dors in another article and she was a great British tragedy although she had a reputation something like the female equivalent of Errol Flynn (i.e. orgiastic sex parties, etc).  However, it wasn't so much the wild living that undid her but rather she was ripped-off by opportunistic males and this is what brings it up as a possible candidate for something lefty would write.  She was considerably more than boobs as she achieved a number of 'youngest ever' academic accomplishments.

lefty doesn't glorify anything.  He's not on a mission to tell you liberals are good, drugs are good, or save the whales.  His is to tell you a story and you can make of it what you will.  It's the choice of the story that is the telling and that's why I think the story of Diana Dors could possibly be intriguing.  It seems there was no Joe DiMaggio in her life and Simon & Garfunkel sang of him a long time ago but it's a fair reference as the way he loved Marilyn is something that's worthy of legend.

Diana Dors

Any questions?

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