Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Twitterfeed and dlvr.it Didn't Even Get out of the Blocks

This either means the Internet is so bloated now with inconsequential bullshit nothing will ever work anymore although Feedburner is another piece of inconsequential Internet crap which is engaged in this.  It it hangs on sending the initial ping then everything downstream will hang.  Therefore, kill it.  There's no time to play pattycake with crap software.

After working on fixing major system problems with large-scale computers since the late 70's, I'm fed up the gills with chickenshit software problems.  At least the big ones were interesting but the Internet now is more nuisance than anything else, just like application programmers, and they compete with each other to release the most mediocre software.  Facebook ... I rest my case.  Facebook doesn't do anything except stroke rotund rubes for personal information and it still doesn't fucking work.

Fed up but at least I'm not in a Soviet Gulag.

Oh, gee, that's America, isn't it.  Check out the psycho eyes on the second from the left.  You know he's going to kill someone.  He lives for it.

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