Wednesday, January 22, 2014

All Kinds of People Played at Cat's Art MusikCircus

Due to a touch of equipment carnage, I haven't been focused too much on reporting on shows at Cat's Art MusikCircus so this is a catch-up round:

1:00 pm SLT on Mondays - Untolerable Bohemian

This last Monday wasn't Bo's best as he's got a raging case of malaria or dysentery or some horrible thing that wrecked him for singing.  However, that didn't stop him from playing his guitars and that meant breaking out the electric again.  I'm greatly pleased to hear him playing electric so that was a very good surprise although I prefer it not be at the expense of his health.

Bo's having some other troubles as it was taking quite a bit of time between songs.  Since that can be quite annoying, here's why:  when you're switching between instruments, it's not just a matter of pulling the cable out of one and putting it into another.  It can be fairly complex and you have to be very careful while you're doing it as the simple act of plugging a cable can make a noise that will break your monitors.  So please do cut him a little slack on any delays as he is experimenting and there's a little more time needed for that.

2:00 pm SLT on Mondays - lefty Unplugged

lefty brings a unique style as he will inevitably because he does it all.  He's writing the poetry, doing the composition, playing the instruments, the whole package.  He doesn't do Hallmark greeting card poetry as there's always a great depth to it and he takes his composition just as seriously.  I don't know it for sure but I think he's charting (i.e. writing out his song in musical notation) everything before he plays it.  What do you know, just like the downtown boys.

Three-chord blues don't do it for lefty as every song will be an excursion.  He will bring the song up and down as to how hard he throws it at you and he's definitely not going to stick to those same three chords.  The excursion is the main thing as there's another world in parallel and he's trying to show it to you.

At one point lefty was joking about the leathers he wore during his bike racing days.  (Suddenly Lotho perks up at the sound of 'bike racing.')  The thing that amused lefty was that his leathers were pink.  Now it's really not clear why they were pink but you can talk with Mrs lefty if you have problem with that but I can tell you she's lovely and Mr lefty is a lucky man.  The reason pink leathers are significant will become clear in a moment.

and Cat and I danced

Am I pretty in pink or what!  I thought it was red for a ringmaster when I wore it but that sure doesn't look like red in the pic.  However, so long as my beautiful dance partner stays with me, the color isn't a problem.

12:00 pm SLT on Tuesday - Deceptions Digital (DD)

DD plays recorded music but it's important to understand she is not a DJ as everything she does is her own work.  She uses samples for some of her music and a few of you may have opinions on using them but this isn't a time for editorials.  Samples are legally within 'fair use' so there's nothing musically or legally wrong with doing using them.  It's an usual form of expression and DD is very much in pursuit of unusual.

Samples are a part of her music but only a small part as she uses every sound and technique at her disposal.  The result is a punchy techno vibe that she keeps moving for the whole set.  I don't care much for all the genres as, to me, there's instrumental and anything that's electronic instrumental is some form of techno.  Beyond that the labels mean little to me, I'm just interested in whether I like the tune.

DD does techno very well and I'm happy to announce she will be playing a regular set at this same time.  These will take place bi-weekly and I believe the first is next week but I will confirm this with Cat before updating the calendar.

1:00 pm SLT on Tuesdays - Michi Renoir

Maestro Michi Renoir will give us trips every time.  With almost every set he starts out at the top of the hour and plays to the end of it, hardly talking at all.  One of the most intriguing things about that is the incredible number of voices he uses in making his trips.  He also uses an exotic looper as he is able to switch different bits in and out of a piece without having to add and remove them in a fixed order.  This gives him tremendous flexibility and his music goes trippin' all over the place.

2:00 pm SLT on Tuesdays - Reis and Aldo

Reis and Aldo will usually play at 2:00 pm but they are frequently on the road for recording sessions in different countries.  Right now they're on a four-thousand kilometer expedition around Europe for a variety of sessions.  It will take at least two or maybe three weeks and then they will be back to perform again at the MusikCircus.

And sure we danced!

We are taking this act to Vegas!

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