Saturday, January 4, 2014

Kim Jong Un's Uncle Eaten by Wild Dogs

Kim Jong Un is North Korea's Totalitarian Flavor of the Decade and he croaked his own uncle not so long ago because of his 'crimes against the state.'  In an NBC report that's been quoted quite a bit, it says the uncle was not only executed - noooooo - he was fed to wild dogs who ate him alive.  (NBC World News:  Kim Jong Un's executed uncle was eaten alive by 120 hungry dogs: report)

Now here's a story that demonstrates better than any other the puerile amateurism in the propaganda presented by Fox News.  That channel always goes with penny ante lies told by penny ante people but China, the country that first reported on the Uncle's Canine Cure, knows how to do it:  if you're going to lie then lie big.  Don't screw around with cardboard clowns like Bill O'Reilly, instead bring in the professionals and get the Big Game started.

The technique was quite effective as the story was reported in a Chinese newspaper without any confirmation.  That story was quoted by NBC, also without any confirmation.  The NBC story was then quoted by other 'news' purveyors and that many copies, of course, make it a fact.

The amusing side of this, to me, is the outrage in Texas over the horror of what Kim Jong Un did to his uncle.  And yes, kids, this is the same state that is about to execute a woman and it's the same state which is more competitive with China for its annual number of executions than anywhere else in the world.  Yeah, Bubba, them KOH-reans are like a bunch of dang animals, ain't they.  Killin' that uncle with them dang dogs ... fuckin' A, Bubba, what kinda way is that to treat a dog.

I have no idea if the story is true but what is abundantly clear to me is that none of the big deal news media channels have any idea if it's true either.

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