Monday, December 2, 2013

The Launch of the Galactic Peace Tour Orbiter w/Pics

This was one of the signal events in aircraft history, when the Galactic Peace Tour Orbiter took flight from Lotho's Tennessee Spaceport.  Lotho handled Mission Control.  Cadillac Man provided Technical Assistance.  Silas Scarborough did photography and less than clever colour commentary.

Cadillac Man and Lotho Considering the Matter

With cars men can stare at a broken motor for long enough and somehow it will magically fix itself. So it is with hot-air balloons and this bird will fly.

Considering the Matter Further

Staring intently has now somehow managed to light the fire.

And Further Consideration

Lotho is either losing patience or falling asleep.


What say we try it with a dozen of them next time.

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