Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The Robos Are Coming or At Least a Lot of Numbers

There are two types of articles of interest to the Rockhouse regarding the Robo Revolution.  The first is the science which permits the idea of a revolution to make any sense (e.g. developing the high capability in robos) and the second is the paparazzi perspective on what the impact will be.  The current article follows the latter path.  (RT:  Robots could take 250,000 public sector jobs by 2030, think tank warns)

© Colin Anderson / Getty Images

We needed a gratuitous pic of a robo doing something which makes no sense whatsoever but it looks cool.

The first task of an irresponsible Establishment is to scare the bejeebers out of you and there we go with 250K jobs being handed over to machines in not much more than ten years.  Then we look some more and find there are five million private sector jobs in the UK so why do they get in a lather over 250K of them.

Thousands of civil servants could be given the ax over the next 13 years, potentially saving taxpayers billions of pounds, according to a report by pro-free market think tank Reform.

In the ‘Work in Progress’ report, the charity argues 250,000 public-sector workers could be replaced by smart machines and autonomous robots by 2030.

Reform also calls on the government to replace 90 percent of Whitehall’s admin staff with “artificially intelligent (AI) chatbots,” along with 90,000 NHS administrators and 24,000 GP receptionists.

- RT

This Reform outfit warns the Robo Revolution comes and, apparently, at the same time demands more of it.

At the Rockhouse, it looks inevitable that those jobs will be converted and many more besides but there are so many numbers flying around on the matter that they create fear rather than enlightenment.

As to why those chatbots will replace humans, they will speak your language much better than you likely expect from any call center.  What's more, they will hear you speak and be able to switch to your language without needing to ask which one.  Talking of holding them back doesn't make much sense when they're cheaper and more than likely will do the job better.

There's a good chance you agree with that but you may not agree on how soon that will come and how much of an effect it will have.  Given the lackadaisical nature of reporting by MSM, it's not likely we will get enough information to say more than the Robo Revolution comes sooner than you think and the impact is 'a lot.'

Public sector employment is relatively low in the United States and is well below the international average while the United Kingdom is slightly higher.  (WIKI:  List of countries by public sector)

Note:  that also confirms the GOP caterwauling about government jobs eating the Universe is just more bloody rubbish from them.

If you actually looked at the chart, you will have seen the countries more known for Socialism such as in Scandinavia, the percentage of people working in the public sector is higher.  However, it is not the dream of the Rockhouse Socialists to hook everyone up with the government for that Uncle Sugar sinecure.

They do it with cops since young veterans don't know how to do anything else when they get out of the military.  The state says that's different from welfare but what else would they say.  The number of cops per thousand citizens has been going up steadily ever since 1992.  (DoJ:  National Sources of Law Enforcement Employment Data)

The Robo Revolution won't do anything anything much to replace cops or at least not any time soon but the other government jobs are easy picks for robos since any call center job can be owned by a robo.  Those call centers almost always work from scripts and right away that's programmable.  Like it or not, those jobs are gone.

The question remains of how many jobs that means and whether that extrapolates out to the actual Socialist Dream of the Guaranteed Universal Income.  The pitch for the GUI can load out in another article due to the immense sociological benefits but the immediate question is whether such a thing will ever be necessary due to immediate practical necessity but that's where things can easily get fractious.

There seems not so much disagreement about the Robo Revolution coming but there's not so much affirmation it comes as soon as the Rockhouse believes.  Fair enough ... but I'm right (larfs).

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