Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The LED Kayaker Goes Off a Waterfall in the Dark

- © Caters Clips / YouTube

It's real and it's an easy winner for today's Psycho Prize in Amateur Sports.

Ed:  but is it art?

You tell me, Vincent.

There's clear proof of genetic damage since there are two of them and they're brothers.

Two kayakers have filmed incredible, dream-like footage of their night-time paddle down river rapids and waterfalls, while suited up with flashing LEDs.

The remarkable video shows brothers Brendan and Todd Wells illuminated in red and green against pitch-black conditions as they kayak their way down a waterfall on White Salmon River in Washington State.

- RT:  ‘Liquid Illumination’: Kayakers light way through night-time rapids in LED suits (VIDEO)

It sounds like a one-off thing with these rascals and I hope so since I don't think I'd be diggin' it too much if kayakers routinely got kitted up like the river goes through Times Square.

Ed:  but is it art?

That's not for me to tell you.  Sometimes I look at it and I see it as gorgeous and other times as hideous.

Ed:  you know the art is more than that so what is the inner sense of it?

Fuck you, Vincent.

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