Wednesday, February 8, 2017

I Know I Have the Right to Remain Silent but, Officer, I'm a Screamer

- Doug Sneyd, Playboy cartoonist in the Sixties / Seventies

Yah, yah, it's sooooo politically incorrect ... but so is Congress.

We're seeing all manner of theatrics in Congress just now and deeply-impassioned people give wonderful and insightful speeches but it don't mean a thing when it don't got that swing.

The GOP has the numbers and they're going to do whatever shitty things they want to do.  Political correctness has nothing to do with any of it; they push whatever they can get away with doing.  When you have the numbers in Congress and you own the Presidency, no-one can stop you.  The end.

No-one wants to hear from Boomers but in this case it's apt since I've seen it before with Resistance.  There was mighty resistance to the Vietnam War but it didn't change anything until people were in the streets getting their heads cracked.  It was the same thing with Watts and Civil Rights in general.  It's my observation over all that time that talking doesn't do anything; nothing works like taking it to the streets if you want the government's attention.

Note the Clinton opposition to Civil Rights at the time in her support for Barry Goldwater.  She says she changed her mind later but how is that even possible.

I can't really tell what happens on Twitter since there are many angry people but what will they really do.  I feel like Hawkeye when he was trying to figure it out with Frank Burns.

Do they just lie there and Tweet then do nothing at all?

Meanwhile, there's still zero accountability and they're still going with AWB politics (i.e. Anyone With Boobs) in pushing Elizabeth Warren but they don't accept that anyone who sucked face with the Clintons is tainted for life.  That's an incurable PTD (i.e. Politically-Transmitted Disease) and the only solution is quarantine; they're allowed to speak but they mustn't ever reproduce.

The Rockhouse knows Tulsi Gabbard is a screamer after finding for herself what happens in Syria and screaming loudly about it.  She took a beating for that from MSM but that's much more a reflection on MSM than Gabbard's integrity.  She's sure a good-looking woman and she has never wavered on the Socialist song and dance.  She can sing as loud as she wants any old time and I'll be happy to be one of the dancing girls behind her.

Note:  I'm not bluffing and I have done that before when my boss covered "Feel Like a Woman" and he needed some dancing girls so a friend and I did our best high kicks for his performance because ...

we don't ...

we don't ...

we don't fuck around.

- Stolen from Burbank in Cincinnati

I neglected to mention my boss was not of the female variety ... but I'm sure he was feeling it.  I know I sure was.

These Washington types forget the first rule of guerrilla warfare:  never fight them on their chosen field since they will eat you there.  Get them away from the predictable and they have no idea what to do except to try to kill it but that's impossible or extremely difficult when they can't find it.

Ed:  doesn't Twitter take it underground?

You might as well have a cop sitting on your shoulder after all the bullshit Obama pulled with surveillance.

People want all this resistance but many (?) of you have seen it before too.  Resistance doesn't do anything until people are getting their heads cracked and it's usually us getting cracked rather than them.  As ever it's paramount that we must not crack back since then we become just the same and no-one wins.

You know without asking what MLK would be saying.

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