Thursday, February 9, 2017

The Insidious Plan of Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin held a town meeting in Moscow because, incomprehensible as it invariably seems to American politicians, he actually likes the citizens of his country.  Incomprehensible to Americans in general is Russians like their leader.

Ed:  did this really happen?

No but the premises are true.

Comrade Igor:  fucking American sanctions made it difficult to get food.  What will you do, Comrade Vlad?

Comrade Vlad:  it was difficult with food but now we grow more ourselves and it is better.  Our store shelves are full.  Fuck the Americans.

Comrade Anatoly:  Americans and their NATO lackeys are rolling tanks to our borders and even Germany is doing it.  Germany, of all countries, rolls tanks again toward the Motherland!

Comrade Vlad:  we will do nothing to respond to their provocations, Comrade, and I will tell you why not.

America is spending half of its tax gold every year on its military.  Let them continue to do that since that spending means they fail to adequately take care of their country and their people.  No, comrades, we will not respond to them and we will just wait peacefully.  We don't have to do anything about the Americans because their own people will do it when they get angry enough.

Comrade Igor:  how can you be sure, Comrade Vlad?

Comrade Vlad:  we did the same thing.  Maybe you remember the Bolshevik Revolution.

It's true America has a high GDP because the country is rich for their elite but that doesn't mean they can afford to spend money foolishly and we can watch how quickly the fool is parted from his money in military programs.  If you're not clear on that, watch that idiot, George Soros, for a while.  He can blow money in more stupid ways than even the Pentagon which houses the world's masters of it.

Comrade Alexei:  the Americans will attack us!

Comrade Vlad:  relax, Comrade Alexei.  They will not attack us.

Comrade Alexei:  they get ready to attack us from everywhere they can!

Comrade Vlad:  we built Tsar Bomba, the biggest nuclear bomb ever detonated aboveground and it clocked at fifty megatons by itself.  The Americans don't know how many more we built.  Even without Tsar Bomba, Russia doesn't even have to hit America to turn Earth into Mars where no-one will ever live again.   (WIKI:  Tsar Bomba)

My ol' Dad opposed Edward Teller in his time and he was protesting the bomb since when the first was exploded.  He made many scientific presentations on the effects of radiation on life and the particular interest for geneticists was the mutagenic properties which let radiation create monsters most of which did not survive.

Note:  Teller sold out Oppenheimer to the McCarthy Communist witch hunts and that was probably another reason my ol' Dad had no use for him.

Maybe one of the sibs has the scrapbook with the photograph of the abomination of a rat which had no hair and its skin was so horrendously wrinkled into some kind of rat monstrosity no-one ever saw before.

Continuing that protest is a direct tribute to my ol' Dad and I'm proud to do it.  I've been seeing since I was a kid what radiation does to life and the protest needs to continue until some kind of sanity comes when it's obviously not here yet.

Information is the only practical protest and it's all the more important when maniacal planners in the Pentagon play out surviving a nuclear war.  No-one survives a nuke war because even if we survive we really don't, not after doing something like that.  In one moment, all of us become complicit to a Holocaust which will make the first one look like Little League.  Of course we're complicit when we can stop it now but fail to do so.

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