Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Another Broken Promise from Donald Trump on the Veterans Administration

Donald Trump said he would give the Veterans Administration the attention it needs and I don't have the specific wording but I'm sure you know already he and Sanders were the only ones saying they would do anything about VA while Clinton didn't even know the problem exists.

Trump did conduct a meeting regarding dealing with the VA ... but he didn't invite any veterans advocates.  (Military Times:  Trump held his first VA listening session without veterans advocates)

You don't need to be the Clairvoyant Madam of All Things Future and Past to read that crystal ball.  When he only reviews VA in terms of problems, he ignores altogether the benefits of the program.  That kind of thinking leads to a privatized replacement and that leads to veterans being completely screwed ... again.

Officials from the American Legion, Disabled American Veterans and the Veterans of Foreign Wars said they were not invited to the morning event and did not know about it until it was announced late Monday night, as part of the White House’s routine schedule outline. 

Other prominent veterans groups were surprised Tuesday morning by news of the event, and unsure who was invited to take part in the discussion. 

White House officials did not release any other details of the event, other than the meeting followed a similar listening session with President Trump and county sheriffs discussing local law enforcement issues. A press pool event to take pictures of the meeting was cancelled shortly before the veterans meeting began.

- MT

Secrets are only necessary when you plan to cheat someone and Trump is so arrogant he doesn't even try to make a good secret of it.

White House officials did not release any other details of the event, other than the meeting followed a similar listening session with President Trump and county sheriffs discussing local law enforcement issues. A press pool event to take pictures of the meeting was cancelled shortly before the veterans meeting began. 

But Sen. Jerry Moran, R-Kansas, said White House officials told him the meeting was with health care executives, and that veterans groups would be invited for a similar session later.

- MT

That's not just handwriting on a wall but neon spray paint on a billboard.  He's lining up his Goldman Sachs team and he will go for the kill shot on veterans at his convenience.

There's almost nothing veterans can do about it since Americans only give a shit about vets when they go to parades and the rest of the time they're ghosts.  They write bullshit about supporting vets but they only do it on Twitter and that's as far as it goes.  During the campaign, no-one showed up at VA.

The reason they can get away with it is hardly anyone in America has any actual military service since the total is somewhere around ten percent.  There are many with militaristic haircuts but few of them got that way in the military.

Congress with people like Ted Cruz and other bloodless lightweights gutted the GI bill since soldiers who get killed now don't matter as much as the ones who were killed in WWII.  Congress has been steadily chiseling at VA in every way they can since vet health doesn't matter to them either; it's just another line item in the budget and means nothing more than that to politicians.

Ed:  except the rare few like Sanders?

I'll throw a salute to that man any time.  When everything else is gone still the VA stands for the brothers and sisters.  (Ithaka:  "Brothers in Arms" | Mark Knopfler | Berlin 2007)

Note:  I was never in combat and make no claim of false valor.  At VA, no-one asks; it only matters that you were some part of it.

We are fools to make war
On our brothers in arms

- Mark Knopfler

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