Monday, September 12, 2016

What's Hot on the Blog 9/12

Sep 12, 2016, 2 comments

The Office - this is one of those ultra clean office pics which seem on the surface to be perfect but as you look closer it becomes like a Japanese sex doll as it looks kind of pretty but, hell no, don't take that thing home

Science - it's real science but maybe a little lighter in the approach to it

Political - the political aspect has been backed off quite a bit on Ithaka because it's become so distasteful.  The article is in the all-over-the-place category and if one part doesn't do it for you then another part may.

Birds - Oliver really lets it (cough) fly on birds and he won't win many friends in the birdwatching community but it's a funny bit (about three minutes)

The Celebrated - cool to see this one percolating since it only just went out there and it's an attempt to bring some really thick science into some kind of sensibility for mortals.  There's some concern this appears I try to make myself more than a mortal but nothing makes me feel like more of a mortal than reading what the sciencers are doing ... or when I listen to Voodoo play.

What's Hot

Relax - the first word says it all and, after yesterday, a whole lotta people could do with relaxing although the flow of the day was hilarious if you could fall back from all the flaming anger about this or that.

Looking - there's a rising in the malcontents because of a unilateral decision by DEA to classify KRATOM with heroin.  This article will win no friends with the DEA but, wtf, how many friends could they possibly have anyway.

Unplugged - removing Twitticisms from the flow gives a better feel to Ithaka for me and hopefully for you as well.  There's a growing concern about fundamental psychological damage from social networks and this change is part of segregating the information flow.  Information flows outbound from Ithaka but there's not a strong reason to bring back an echo from onlines such as Twitter, Facebook, Google, etc.

Because Kids - you will love this kid's eyes as there's nothing but innocence in them

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