Saturday, September 24, 2016

Any Day Starting with Penis Sculptures is Headed for Artistic Hell

Since the day did, in fact, start with penis sculptures, artistic hell is inevitable.  To offer some measure of fairness, however, I am not an aficionado of penis sculptures so these might have been quite good ones ... as penis sculptures go.  (Ithaka:  You're Too Late on Buying the Penis Sculptures)

Until yesterday, David's penis was the only piece of sculpture receiving phallic adoration but cultural evolution is unstoppable.

Heya, Dave

Ladies and gentlemen, the most famous penis in the history of sculpture.

I swear some priggish fuckwit posted a photograph of the David sculpture with the pee pee part blacked out.  What the fuck is wrong with these people.  Half the people on the planet have got one so where is the mystery.

(Ed:  with the other half?)

Your point, Game Master.

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