Friday, September 23, 2016

No Hard Return to Editorials

The article on the Judge Dredds in North Carolina is a one-off due to the endless outrage of killings by cops in America.  In writing it, I know one thing definitely:  not one damn thing will change as a result of it.

Maybe that was venting and I remember being frustrated by hearing quite a bit of venting at one time since I didn't know how to deal with it.  I never got past the venting to understand, boy, you need to take your woman out of this tin-ass hellhole of computers and find some kind of life which means something because this sure as hell doesn't.  The people aren't real, their objectives are shallow, and reality is somewhere far distant from here.

It would have been much better to understand both of us were doing it for exactly the same reason, survival, and finding some other way of doing that would have been excellent when neither of us needed the computers in the first place.  Note:  being fascinated by them isn't even close to the same thing as needing them.

There's almost never anything good about looking wistfully along a path not taken but sometimes it's at least to important to say you now know the path was there even if I did not at the time.  It would have been better to get out of Cincinnati and run to some new world and I do regret I did not see it at that time.  We had no connection since everyone else had disappeared years before to make babies and they didn't talk about anything else except making more.  We hardly ever saw anyone and that was the time to break out.  They had chosen their courses and that wasn't something we wanted to do so ... all together now:  hit the road, Jack.

I don't know if I could have hacked it with the leeches, tho.  Going all-out African Queen might have been a bit much ... but we don't know, do we.  Note:  I hope this doesn't sound mean as I tease myself as well.  The leeches would have sucked ... but ... they couldn't have been worse than computers (larfs).

Leaving this on a remorseful note is no good since there's so much remorse in North Carolina and with such harsh reason.

Maybe as soon as we split we would have been kidnapped by human traffickers and sold into slavery as resident white people in a Chinese zoo.  That wouldn't have been a first since America had put humans into a zoo around the turn of the last century.

Push the button, Su Li.  Every time you do it, the white people will say, "Awesome!"

Try it!

(Ed:  oh, sure.  That was a much better ending.)

Or maybe we would have gone to Germany and discovered the family name meant the Mystery Lady is a countess and we would have spent the rest of our lives with Ferraris, thoroughbred stallions, and mountains of cocaine.

Hmm ... that didn't end so well either, did it.

So, what say we try our luck with the leeches and the African Queen next time??  I'll be game for it.  Then I'll know.  If you see a computer, run for it (i.e. the other way).

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