Monday, September 12, 2016

About the Jams

The campaign seems to evaporate here on Ithaka but only because I don't report every little thing so, herewith, every little thing.

The first part this morning was some synth because Yevette isn't here and seven thirty am seemed like a peach of a groove for some twisted synth.  That's the perfect time for that Tony Banks chord which swells and swells until the whole auditorium is blown away by it and people weep, "Gandalf, Gandalf, the Gates of Mordor are opening."

That's F minor in the lowest octave this synth can do it and spread as far as my stubby little fingers can take it across the rest of the keyboard.  It's just that single chord which builds and builds forever.  The biggest problem is keeping the cabinets from buckling as that much bass seriously needs a crossover to send it to a 15" cabinet.  That doesn't exist here so the first hint of crackling means to back off and you better do it, Maverick.  'Better to retire and save the aircraft than to push a bad position.'

Yah, Top Gun Rules apply to music just fine, thank you very much.

The thinking is I want freeform in the intro to the chords of the song on the looper but I also want the intro structured so it's not just a gee whiz noisefest.  That presents a bit of a conflict so there's lots of time reviewing this voice or that but the synth has hundreds of them and any cool voice (i.e. all of them) is going to beg to go out for a dance just to see how it feels.  This part takes a lotta, lotta time but gives almost nothing to report.  Oh, walked a lot in the snow, did you.  Gee, please tell me more.

That wound down after a relatively satisfactory but inconclusive bit of experimenting.  Endurance continues to be a consideration although there is improvement and really no idea why.

There was some stewing with the thinking, well, if that ain't it then let's take another ride to see what comes of that.  That came out about the same but that's not a loss since there's something gained from all of it with the only question being how much is applicable to the immediate tune.

There was also some time with the Galaxy Guitar but that was kind of stale since I've played "The Sanctuary Song" so many times and I start hating my music when too much is memorized.  That's  ok as clicking record adds 'liveness' even when there's no audience because any mistake and you're dead.  That's hugely exciting but you need to contain the excitement ... or make a mistake.  That's such a deliciously tormenting conflict because playing is tremendously exciting even when only mice can hear it ... and run.

It's a bit concerning that Ithaka takes kind of a (sniff) effete intellectual air with the sciencer articles but that's only one view of many things, it's all about peeling onions, scooby dooby.  My concern is that it makes Ithaka impersonal but that's under the direct control of the words so write them right and they will come.

When there's any thought of 'never give up, never surrender,' it may seem sterile because what is that aluminum-hat fruitcake doing but tap dancing on a computer.  In fact there's more but I don't always write of it as I doubt you want a daily rundown on whether the loon played or did not play.

Note:  yes, that was "Galaxy Quest" and five points if you got that.  May have to watch that again as Sigourney Weaver goes on the maximal vamp and ... dayum, she vamps real good.  Just push the blue button, darlin'.

A dozen paragraphs in a sentence say, nope, the jams did not stop.  Mystery Lady, the theme is always the same and 'never give up, never surrender' sure says it just fine for me.  Unknown if what I'm doing with Ithaka makes things more or less scattered but that will be interesting to discover when next we talk.

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