Friday, November 1, 2013

Embargo of Cuba on "Breaking the Set"

The embargo of Cuba is one of the most ridiculously spiteful things the U.S. does in its foreign policy.  Abby Martin reported on this in "Breaking the Set" yesterday.  Maybe there was even some justification for the embargo during the period of Cuban missile crisis but, checking my Timex, I see this was fifty years ago ... and still it goes on.

I don't know that anyone has any idea why the embargo continues or maybe Washington thinks if they do it for a hundred or two hundred years then Cuba will suddenly have an epiphany and change to another form of government.  Quite apart from the right of Cuba to follow the leadership of Reverend Moon if it likes, why would the U.S. continue a policy that so obviously has had no effect.

One particularly stupid aspect of this is that it came up in the United Nations and there were two countries voting to continue the embargo.  Of course the first one was the United States but the other one is absolutely ludicrous:  Israel.  Just what the hell do they have to do with it and why would they support it.

Here's a side-note to that you will love:  the NSA ranks intelligence sharing from other countries in four tiers.  In the fourth or lowest tier are countries that are least-cooperative.  Guess who sits in that position.  Yep, that'd be Israel.

If you're wondering when we get to the crazy part, baby, we're already there.

To my thinking, Cuba would be a swell place for a vacation.  It's a lot closer than Aruba and has a lot more things to see.

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