Thursday, February 9, 2017

How Can You Tell if a Hamster is Trippin' - Updated

Oy, his pupils are dilated, mate.  Simple.

Update:  YouTube has killed the video and that makes the story even more ludicrous because they did it due to 'violent content' but there was nothing even remotely violent in it.  You can probably find the video somewhere on the Web but I'm telling you true.  They gave the hamster some pink fluid and the hamster just reacted like a hamster.  Calling that at any kind of hamster torture is almost as much of a stretch as calling anything in America leadership.

Here's the beauty part:  they went to jail for this.  Your mission, should you accept it, is to discern just what law they broke.  Who knows what's in the liquid but it doesn't do anything to the hamster since we can watch it doing just the same as hamsters usually do.  Our suspicion is these two were found guilty by a court which has never done any acid nor owned any hamsters.  (RT:  Thug jailed after feeding pet hamster LSD & cannabis (VIDEO))

It doesn't seem the Vile Perps had ever done any acid either since they were looking for signs of the Hamster Trip as soon as it took a little nosh.  LSD may be many things but it is definitely not fast.

Pop quiz:  what genius of biochemistry and neurology can tell us what effect LSD has on a hamster anyway.

It's unknown what these 'thugs' were doing to turn this hamster into a marijuana addict but if you can go to jail for stoning dogs then half of the Seventies Army will be breaking rocks.  Dogs love to get stoned as they will lean into the smoke; you don't have to hold them since they seem to like it.  A dog came around the barracks quite a bit and he got stoned with the boys many times.

I haven't been stoned with a dog since those days and Yevette would probably freak if I blew any smoke at Toby the Dog ... but ... wtf ... it might get him to jet down just a wee bit.

Note:  that won't happen.  She doesn't smoke it so she won't be hearing of it for the dog.  Regardless of how often I feed him (i.e. every day), Toby is her dog.

Ungrateful little bastard (sniff).

Some of the regulars may recall how Toby the Dog has been kind of project since a previous owner did him way wrong and he became the Ultimate Chickendog until Yevette adopted him.  I came into that years after and that's gone fairly well although he will probably always have fear someone is going to hit him.  You already know it but that won't happen here.

Ed:  yeah, ok, but you will stone him and turn his life into the living hell of drug abuse!

I can't say I'm feeling any pain from it and I'm not the one suffering with a snow shovel today, buddy boy.  I may run down to the market later because, well, Texas didn't clear the stores of bread, milk, and toilet paper yesterday.  They did do that in New England but that's ok today since they can't get to the stores anyway.  (Ithaka:  Helpful Ground Transportation for New England in the Blizzard)

At some point in your life you should experience a thunder blizzard at least once.  It's a highly exotic phenomenon ... so long as you know someone with a snow blower so you can ever leave your house again.

Here's something vaguely virtuous is I've never stoned anyone if I didn't know that person was stonin' already.  Lotho can attest to it since I wouldn't even smoke with my own brother until it was so obvious his crew was blowin' enough smoke to close the airport.  We sure blew a lot of ganja after that, tho.  Lotho sounds like he thinks it was mostly a waste but I maintain none of it was.  The whole crew was absorbing everything since nothing made any sense and everyone was looking for something that did.  As soon as something did turn up, every single one latched onto it and zoomed.  That was the end of the freak days.

I'm not repentant about those days and I'm not repentant about stonin' now.  I was deeply concerned at one point that my lackadaisical approach to drugs will encourage the use of heroin in others but that's never been true.  Spiking anything into yourself was abhorrent back then and remains so today.  I don't know nor do I want to know why anyone makes that leap but reefer has nothing to do with it.  Of that much I'm sure.

Ed:  you still can't stone the dog!

Ain't no need.  He's crashed in the other room with Yevette.

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