Friday, February 3, 2017

How About Some Night Riding in Katakolo, Greece

Cat was so torqued after seeing this one that she was near melting on all the threads.  It looked more reckless than it really was (wink, wink).

There's some nostalgia I dig and this one is fun to watch sometimes.

Ed:  part of the smile is from how pissed off Cat got?

Nooooo, no chance of that, mate.

This was shot while riding Haximoto, my dear love of all the twisted two-wheelers I ever rode.  The Harley was a different kind of love but she still turned out to be a heartbreaker even though it wasn't her fault.  The Harley was the best bike for locked-up brakes in a corner and it was total love after that move but still Haximoto wound up as the queen.  She was just a 170cc scooter but, dayum, was she loyal.

Ed:  you didn't find the other video then?

Nope but I have other places to look offline.


Anonymous said...

This one was new to me. The music really fits the ride!!

Unknown said...

I'm glad it was a surprise and I'm also glad you feel it since it was such a hoot riding that ridiculous scooter ... which turned out to be not ridiculous at all.