Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Beware of Bartering for a Bundle of Bogus Boosted Barbies

Hillary Clinton is about to release "The Future is Female" which presumably is the comedy version of how she got humiliated but the Rockhouse has another offering to demonstrate the fact the female future is out to lunch and probably won't even make it for dinner. (CTV News:  Barbie bandit steals prized doll collection from Calgary condo)

Brandi Boothman enjoying her fifteen seconds of fame.

A Calgary woman says she is in shock after thieves made off with 36 of her childhood friends from around the world.

Brandi Boothman says her prized Barbie doll collection went missing from her condo storage locker sometime in late January.  Some of the figures she collected with her mother over the past three decades came from as far away as India and Australia. 


Oh, God.  I may weep.  Visiting her storage locker will never be the same.

Note:  'prized?'  What prize?

“It’s emotional. It’s tough to verbalize when someone violates you personally,” she told CTV Calgary on Sunday.


Someday perhaps the scars may heal.  We can only hope.  Therapy and a new storage locker may help.

“It’s the emotional connection. I mean every single one of them is connected to a holiday, a memory, something important or significant that happened to us in our lives,” she said.


She must remember so fondly all those times as a child when she could hold her Barbie friends and do whatever one does with such things.

Ed:  not exactly, Fred Flintstone, since she didn't even take them out of the boxes.

Boothman has never had the collection of still-in-the-box dolls formally appraised, but she estimates they were worth around $2,000.


Oh, the humanity.


Anonymous said...

It must not be a very good collection.
As my daughters have many Barbies most were for playing and virtually worthless to anyone but those emotionally attached to them.
But some were decorations and remained boxed and displayed with thier other "special" dolls
Those are " worth" $300 or more but since they wont be sold they are in reality also worthless.

Unknown said...

I remember Barbie dolls a little bit ... and they were worthless after some years but they still had huge sentimental value. Maybe you remember Mr Big Ears since he was the longest-lasting doll and maybe someone even still has him around. I could see Frasers bidding him up to the Moon but I doubt any would even make an offer if he were still in his original box.

Anonymous said...

You so underestimate the collectible market.
I just paid $80 for a used doll.
It was the lead character of the movie "The Last Mimsby".
They stopped making them 10 years ago but the Fairy Princess wanted it after watching the movie.
They have Barbie doll collector conventions

Unknown said...

Wow! I seriously do (larfs).

Mostly collecting things is incomprehensible to me. I'm a lifetime pitcher; if I ain't usin' it then it's junk.

Anonymous said...

If the item allows revisiting a cool memory, it ceases to be a dust collector

Unknown said...

For me, that comes with looking at the Galaxy Guitar but not so much with other things so it's not quite the same with my perception of things since I'm not much inclined to keeping or collecting things.

Anonymous said...

And if you cut off your hands, it would still be there next til you died