Tuesday, February 7, 2017

"Glitter In The Air" | Pink | (GRAMMYs on CBS)

Pink is the undisputed Queen of Rock Aerials.

On rolling the clip from the Super Bowl with Lady Gaga, comparisons may have been inevitable but the best answer you will get from the Rockhouse on who is the best is both of them.  Pink and Lady Gaga show immense versatility, creativity, and talent and that league is separate from competitions; they're beyond them.

My biggest concern with these aerials is the ladies are far more trusting of their kit than I would be.  The spectacles they create are magnificently beautiful but such devastation if anything should go wrong.  If I'm the manager, I would ground her even when I love to see her do it.

Ed:  what right do you as a man have to tell her what risks she should take?

None whatsoever.  It's a request, not an order.

Some snowflake was going on earlier about equality for men and we're being left behind; what about prostate cancer, don'tcha know.  I should have suggested finding sucks like Justin Bieber and One Direction and shooting them.  When these ladies are showing so much more nerve in so many ways than those (cough) men, it may be time for you to reflect on the masculinity of your rock life.

There was as much masculinity in my rock life as my ancient frame will afford and (gasp) I did record my own session just now so that part of the deal was kept.  There wasn't a deal to upload everything, only to record it, so all is good although the effort was deemed NGE (Not Good Enough).  There's a good vibe of having accomplished something even when I rejected it so that keeps life floating splendidly for the moment.

There's a trouble with using distortion since some take it to imply anger but I don't imply anything since distortion imparts to me great passion and excitement with no equivocation about it whatsoever.

As to who else is the best from back at the top, I do look around sometimes but mostly the others are skinny white girls without much happening.  They do their hip hop and they deliver it but not much else.  Mostly my problem with mainstream in general is that lot won't take risks and you have just experienced political radio silence from almost all of them.

Ed:  Lady Gaga and Pink have never been silent.

That's why they're at the top.  I really don't see either of them as mainstream when each is much more just another chanteuse who sings pretty but doesn't mean much.

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