Sunday, April 10, 2016

Yoho, What Do You Know ... a Birthday Surprise After All

The surprise comes from the Queen Bee and I'm not sure I have even seen it before.  Today is Lotho's birthday and he has reached a ripened stage of life but in this pic he's the wee bald-headed cherub who couldn't care less about the camera.

Somewhere in Australia.  I'm sure this is not O'Connor Street where we lived because there was a row of some kind of shrubbery and we could go behind that where we couldn't be seen and do things for which there would be a spanking later.  Starting fires was one possible venture back there.

Beyond that, I dunno.  The place in Katoomba where Pappy and Granny lived seemed much larger and I still have the oh so traumatic vision of the headless chicken running around it.

Maybe with Uncle Stan and Aunt Jean ... best guess.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The times thet are a changing