Saturday, April 23, 2016

Rescued Chimps seeing The Sky (video)

The Chimp Haven sanctuary for chimpanzees rescued from research laboratories is one of the few reasons to try to protect Louisiana from the rising waters of climate change.  They have well over a hundred chimps on the land and it really is a retirement home for them which the staff members are tearfully happy to provide.

These chimps were not hijacked PETA-style so Johnnie Law will not be showing up to take them back to the labs.  They really are retired.

The glory thing in this one is the first time the chimps 'taste freedom' and look up to the sky.  That part will set you back in your chair.  Do prepare for that.  Unknown if you will need Kleenex but it's possible.

It's just a shame how many choose never to look at the sky even when they easily could.

(Ed:  chimps?)

Nah, people.

Keep in mind the chimpanzee is one of the most dangerous creatures in the jungle because they don't just hunt, they hunt with a platoon of highly-trained partners, and they're extremely good at it.  Even alone, a single chimpanzee is an easy match for a man because they're a great deal stronger.

Knowing that of them, it's all the more tender to see them taking care of each other.

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