Thursday, April 28, 2016

Mystery Lady, There is an Alarm Set

Unknown how I borked it last time so I'm bringing some reinforcements. 12:00 as in high noon Cowboy Time is 1:00 pm Yankee Time.  When the time is reached, the alarm will go off and it will play through the PA speakers.  Unless I have been eaten by fire ants, it should be difficult to miss, way difficult.

There was one time-sensitive objective I did not miss today as Yevette has a Big Deal scheduled for early morning.  That's a seriously bad time to schedule anything with her and she walked past my computer at about three or four to say, "Would you wake me up at 8:30?"

Of course I will but I was thinking, well, this may have some problems (it didn't).

Unknown what kind of Big Deal but my job is done and she prepares herself to roll out.

The waking process is by tapping on the door and speaking from there because I don't go in her room.  Toby the Dog loves me anywhere else but don't you come in here, cabron.  He starts growling immediately.

Meanwhile, there is a Cat Defense Wall of Death and anyone with an axe may know or should know cats are guitar killers.  They will knock your dear love out of the stand, break its skinny neck, and then look at you to say, hey, got anything to eat??

So, there is reason.

The Cat Defense Wall of Death is the Apple box used for the computer is blocking the opening to come in here (no door).  It's large so that gets a good deal of it of the open space.  Across the top of that are balanced multiple equipment bags and any of them will take a dive if something lands on them (i.e. the cat which will now break ITS skinny neck this time).

Relax, it won't.  A cat will land on its feet even if you shoot them out of cannons.  The feet may be a little flatter after that but they will more than likely hit first.  There's some serious cat science on this ... but ... I'm damned if I will look for it.  OCD only goes so far.

Regardless of the status of her skinny neck, she will land on the other side of the Wall of Death, stealth is blown, now I've pissed him off (as in she pissed me off so better run).

Relax again.  I don't hit animals.  I don't hit anything, for that matter (larfs).

And, just because we love you, the Ferrari 512M:

This is not much related to anything and the purpose in posting isn't to rave about its capabilities.  The race has raced at Le Mans and many other high-end tracks so it's got a long history.

But this isn't about history either.  The car's history was years ago but this event happened in the last few days.

Unknown why some rascal pays ten million dollars for this vehicle ... and then drives it on the street.

The problem with driving it on the street is even ten-million-dollar vehicles get parking tickets.  I don't recall the exact nature of the infraction but the fine for the ticket was £120.

So, you're Constable Farthington and what goes through your head while you write the ticket??  You can see this car goes way past the skate boards the rich boys usually buy.

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