Saturday, April 9, 2016

Heuristic Analysis to Find a Sack of Ganja

Heuristic analysis seems like inductive reasoning as terms which are impressive to academics but really don't mean much when really all you're trying to do is find a sack of ganja ...

but ...

heuristic analysis is exactly the process you use to find that sack of ganja.

First, you consider whether this is a place where I am likely to find someone selling the ganja.  If you're anywhere near a police station then probably not.

From that investigation you further discover some contacts and you investigate is this one selling the primo or just Mexican dirtweed.

From those queries, you determine the contact you would like to pursue and ... presto ... one sack of primo ganja now lies before you ... or at least a sack of ganja minus the bowl you are smoking now.

Accept it or not as you like, Stoner Boy, but that's heuristic analysis in using a series of investigative steps to discover a solution.

(Ed:  so what?)

There isn't much of it.  The absence of inductive reasoning is obvious when someone says I heard it from Trump and I believe it.

Can't argue with logic like that, can you.  It's not really clear why you even talk to it.

Heuristic analysis is more common than use of inductive reasoning but people don't realize they're doing it.  It doesn't matter when they don't know as it usually only matters to mountebanks, sycophants, and poseurs in the Royal Court but the process is real and (gasp) it works.

(Ed:  what about 'holistic' as I hear that one a lot?)

Relax on understanding holism as that one is just for bookkeepers with smallish vocabularies.  Really it means the Kozmik Oneness but they're too much accountants to say it.

Yeah, man, everything is everything, you know.  It's the Oneness, the Wholeness, the Holistic Manifestation of the Ultimate Truth, man.

There was one guy who said it all the time.  It was like a linguistic narcotic for him and we tried, Kannafoot and I, to break him of the pernicious habit but you know how it goes:  teaching a VP anything is almost impossible.  And, man, he was heavy ... but he sure wasn't my brother.

Note:  he was an OK guy and I do not wish him any harm but I hear he hasn't lost that weight and that can't possibly go well for him.  Get the intestinal bypass or whatever you need to do, man.  Fookin' live, damn it.

We love words and so did George Carlin and Noam Chomsky, largely for the same reasons.

(Ed:  Carlin and Chomsky?)

Truth.  Check them out as Carlin said it multiple times and Chomsky made scientific studies of language and what it means to perception.

The Doors of Perception are made possible by the words to describe them.

(Ed:  bulllllshite as I can drop a hit of acid and see all kinds of things I can't describe!)

True enough ... but what are they now.  Yah, it's all unreal and I maintain that's precisely because you did not have words to describe what you perceived.

Many of the regulars have logged multiple trippin' miles and with all manner of different hallucinogens.  Cadillac Man surprised me as I did not think he had eaten any acid but he dropped with Hang Ten.  You may not think you know Hang Ten but he was the Writer and he would appear at unusual intervals with some genius thoughts of some kind and then disappear again.

Note for any users of opiates:  we are not your crowd and we do not understand junkies.  Wake up!  That's not the Oneness but rather the Emptiness of Selfness.  Achieving the satisfaction of Selfness is the absence of everything else (i.e. a black hole).

Trippin' with Cadillac Man would have been unusual but it never happened with me so it's all part of the imagination of the time.

In most cases with the trippin' people, that changed over time to the belief the visions were not real and that was a phase of growing into adulthood, something of that nature.

Here at the Rockhouse with the Great God Mescalito holding a loaded bong at my head, I state emphatically your heuristic analysis is faulty and inevitably so when the language is insufficient to describe the perception.  Therefore, that aspect of the investigation yields a false result of file in the category of unreal things.

However, Arthur C Clarke loved to say, "Any sufficiently advanced technology looks like magic to those who do not understand it."

Trippin' isn't technology but the thinking still applies since we don't understand trippin' and, sure as hell, it turns into magic.

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