Saturday, April 9, 2016

Going to the Center of a Black Hole

Computer-generated visualization by NASA of what a black hole looks like.

We're not really getting why there isn't much distortion behind the black hole.  The distortion is because of twisting space-time in some nefarious black hole kind of way but here it looks a little bit like a tunnel.

We're also not sure why the event horizon, the area which is pitch black because light cannot escape, has such a hard edge to it.  Logic seems to say there should be a dissolve from kind of hard to get away up to impossible to get away but logic doesn't seem to work well for this.

We have seen the visualizations in which a black hole is kind of a disc which has jets shooting up and down at ninety degree angles but we don't have even close to enough physics to know how that works.  It still seems from that a globe of black holeness should be at the center of it and the edges should be fuzzy.

The music is in there somewhere and there's nothing mystical about that since the corpus directs whether it's possible to pull it back out again and the corpus is being dissected one chunk at a time.  Six times in the last couple of months results in a slow dissection but an inevitable one.  (Biopsy counts as a chop even if it's a smaller one)

That's a drag but also the right arm isn't working very well.  There will be kind of a tingle and then the arm goes to sleep in relatively short order.  Something happens and it starts waking again but there are no pins and needles like blood supply was constricted.  Seems if it were neurological then random twerkery would happen all over but it's the same thing each time so it seems a nerve must be pinched or some such.  That doesn't stop the guitar as, with that in-play, the guitar can't get started.  This is an impossible situation and ... (unintelligible) ...

The dream isn't to get this shoulder chopped after knowing the pain from the other one.  Your shoulder is brachiation, it's monkey central, the smartest part of your entire orthopedic skill set.  Don't ever screw up your shoulder because it will make you pay like you never want to know.

It's been coming up a lot lately that it's time to retire from it but only one thing comes from that.  Retiring as in walking away from the workplace is the healthiest thing you can do, it's when you stop working on anything that's fatal and invariably so.  Nobody survives doin' nothin'.

Maybe your work is reading a laborious tome like "Hamilton" cover to cover, unknown, but sure as hell, without that purpose you're boxed in quick time.

Note:  if your interest is American history, that book comes highly-recommended for the perspective it gives on the formation of fundamental aspects of the American government.  I'm interested but not 800 pp interested.

Raging about inevitability is theatrical when you're forty-five but it's pointless when you're sixty-five.  As always, the question is now what.

They have their broken lives 
and their tawdry broken dreams
they read of other people's stories
in their purple magazines
They will show you how to do it,
all the ways to be cool,
but all you really wanted ...
was to get out of school.

(Ed:  if you roll this to "School's Out," you won't have to worry about dying.  We will send a war party with hatchets to finish you dayum quick.)

Alice Cooper was cool back then but he got all Las Vegas after that and he looked terrifying but really he was a golfer.

Here's yer nightmare vision of the day:  how about a golf tournament with Alice Cooper and Jimi Hendrix in golf togs.  How do you like that fashionable li'l beanie on his head.  It makes the look complete, doesn't it.

So there's yer Question of the Ages:  could Hendrix still look cool in a golf cart.

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