Saturday, April 9, 2016

Super Delegacy, Electoral College, and the Abomination They Make of Democracy

Ever since Donald Trump established a clear lead, the GOP elite has been trying to come up with some shifty way to take it away from him.  Their problem is Donald Trump is just as crooked as they and so far they haven't got anywhere except to gather Ted Cruz a few sleaze points and give Marco Rubio a few laughs.

The same thing applies with the Democratic Party since only the elite want Hillary Clinton and everyone else recognizes her as a skunk from a line of skunks.  Bernie Sanders doesn't show any evidence of backroom deals and the intention from that team is to take the Presidency the honest way, the populist way.

When Clinton took yet another loss in Wyoming today, the reaction from the Clinton camp was, 'so what.'  It was obvious they did not even show up to campaign in the state and probably because it will likely vote Republican in the Presidential election.

The compound abomination is the vote of the people can be stolen from us by super delegates prior to the election and it can be stolen by the Electoral College after the election.  These are the multiple ways the Washington politicians have inverted to subvert or steal the populist vote and twist it to something other than what the people wanted (i.e. the Establishment gets what it paid to get and it's not democracy).

Every season, there's the same bitching about these nefarious mechanisms for subversion of democracy but the bitching doesn't amount to more than the biannual bitching about the idiocy of Daylight Savings Time and DST is another example of how the government doesn't listen to anything the people say.

Representative government is what we were promised and the Electoral College is to ensure we do not get it.

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