Thursday, February 11, 2016

The Bolshy Biopsy Bonanza

There were three more biopsies on Tuesday and these followed the one about a month or so ago but I still did not get eggroll.  That's probably a Republican mandate:  the VA cannot give away eggrolls anymore.

(Ed:  did they ever?)


This kind of thing bites at my ankles to see if I will fall.  After putting up videos yesterday with some medical dressings on me face, I figured I should say something.  The dressings have since been removed in keeping with what the doctor recommended.

A Silas live set is scheduled for Saturday and this will have no bearing on it.

Here's someone else who thought something should be said:

I do not appreciate a candidate sending her feminist attack dogs to tear into other women and pretend that her lack of votes is about sexism, rather than a well-documented and disappointing political career.

Some of us can think outside of the hive mind, Hillary Clinton is #NOTEntitledTOMyVote.

Tip:  get to know the Millennials because they have sure got you pegged.

Welcome to the Future, Virginia.

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