Thursday, February 11, 2016

Burning Out on the Elves of Cthulhu

It's kind of entertaining to record a video with the Elves of Cthulhu and it amuses me to annoy schoolmarm thinkers but Lewis Black is the once and future king of rant rock.  I don't compete with him but comparisons are inevitable since his penchant for foul-mouthed palaver is about the same as mine.

People go whoa, whoa, whoa, so many negative waves but let's try some Doctor Phil physics because every negative wave in reverse amplitude is positive but, trying English this time, the negativity and abandonment of hope is in the ones who do not speak.  Those who moan and bitch about the state of things are the ones who still believe things can be fixed.

(Ed:  you're a fucking gift from Gandhi, mate)

Ain't that a bitch, huh (larfs).

(Ed:  you're still going to burn!)

No way.  Beelzebub will be busy for a thousand years torturing the people who follow Ted Nugent:  TED NUGENT BLAMES GUN CONTROL ON JEWISH CONSPIRACY, GOES ON DISGUSTING ANTI-SEMITIC RANT (IMAGE)

When there is filth like that on the planet and even more which accepts the things he says, I have zero fear for my immortal soul.

(Ed:  you don't even know if you have an immortal soul!)

Yah but if I do then I prefer it not be burning.

The music is real and what it says it's true while words really don't mean anything or we would not have a need for lawyers.  No-one asks what I mean when I play because you already know from hearing it.

There will be the opening of Cat's new and improved Art MusikCircus and she has moved to Amsterdam.  The Circus is in the center of the city whereas it was kind of isolated previously so this brings a whole lot of coolness.  Cat brings people with Circus coolness while Amsterdam brings people of hipster coolness and those ingredients mix well.

My set will follow Option Y and I have reviewed them previously as one aces high, smokin' prog rock band.  Intimidating is not the right word to use but it's an obvious one for following such a set.  What I need to bring is class in my own music.  They will deliver a tight set with minimal breaks in-between songs.  Once that pacing is set, do not screw with it and definitely keep it alive.

(Ed:  what does 'aces high' mean?)

No idea.  We just don't like kings so anything which is not a king must be cool, right?

It's been about three months, maybe more, since the last live set and I haven't had a huge desire to play one, in part because I strongly believe it's good for your music if you don't do a lot of live.  I'm sure this time really has been good for my music and I am proud of "The End of the World in Fort Worth" as that one was well-fought and I believe it delivered what it said it would.

Here we operate strongly on the Pablo Casals Principle:  if I keep practicing, I just might get it.

Note:  he said that before he went to practice when he was about ninety.

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