Thursday, February 4, 2016

"Andromeda Weeps" Casting Call is Progressing

If a better one doesn't come, there's a way to get a cam to The Raven so this casting call is definitely live.

Jason and Andromeda are the big, big love.  Colonel Kurtz will react to the inadvertent missile launch.  Alex is thinking of playing Jason but the lovey guy may not be the coolest as playing Kurtz could be sooo bad ass.  You fuckin' people ... you nearly blew up the whole world ... you fuckin' saw that, right?  You fuckin' people ... the horror, the horror.

Think also Ed Wood and how can we trash up a missile silo for cheap.  Looks like we're heading for campy because I'm not bringing fooking Shirley Temple and chipmunks into this.  Sorry, chipmunks, but no parts for you.  It's nearly a nuclear war, what should I do with chipmunks??

(Scrooge, staple antlers on their heads??)

Uh, thanks, Scrooge.

Note:  watch the movie, "Scrooged," to get that

Alternative plan for camera:  I send a camera from here to The Raven.  A 64 GB SD card holds about an hour of video so he could send the whole camera back and I'll extract whatever is on the SD card.  This is the current plan unless I come up with a better one.

The idea of collaboration on this is highly exciting.  I'm getting really jazzed for this. 

At first I thought the music has to change because it's total serious about this nuclear missile launch.  It doesn't have to change because it's cool if the actors mock that seriousness and that gives another dynamic.  I'm thinking high camp with Ed Wood in the background and, damn, where can I find some dancing midgets.

Note:  this is the path which does NOT burn Jerusalem but there has to be a price so the nuke whacks a ship when it gets the abort but the nuke bomb doesn't explode.  It still makes a mess out of the ship, tho.

Lotho's daughters can kill camp so then I think, hmm, this cast needs to expand.  If this goes to camp and I suspect it will then it's Rocky Horror with nuclear weapons.

I have got to find some dancing midgets!

(Ed:  is this going to "Springtime for Hitler?")

No.  That was the King of Musical Parodies but it's not my purpose to ridicule the leader, the concept, and everything else about NAZIs.  No-one will ever do that better than Mel Brooks and Charlie Chaplin did an exceptional mockery as well but that wasn't musical.

The love between Jason and Andromeda is real.  Camp or no, people still fall in love.

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