Friday, February 12, 2016

Hillary Clinton Drags Obama into the Mud

Republicans invoke Jesus as much as Clinton invokes Obama but, either way, it's a dodge from saying anything of any substance.  That performance last night graduated Hillary Clinton from contempt to all-out loathing.

It was a simple play because Clinton is aiming for South Carolina where she looks for support from lots of black people so she can work the same gerrymandered thinking as the GOP.  If I get those South Carolina black people and pull some religious loons from the South, then maybe if talk like a plastic hippie in California, etc, etc.

We have seen what cover girl Presidencies do already and have been watching them ever since the eighties.

(Ed:  Clinton is the only woman in that crowd)

Doesn't make any difference as they're all girls, regardless.  America has accomplished nothing since Ronald Reagan and he started the drain out of the most powerful industrial nation in the world to the point now at which Flint, MI, is poisoned on lead but General Motors doesn't care because Roger Smith abandoned it decades ago and a similar phenomenon is common in American industry.

Note specifically Hillary Clinton was defensive about any changes to tax rates to restore the balance after the slashing from Ronald Reagan and this makes her no different from him.  Give her a red wig and call her a clown too.  Maybe she can work a deal with Nicaragua for jobs.

(Ed:  when Oliver North was making deals with Nicaragua for Reagan, he was trading guns and heroin)

Clinton has plenty of experience selling guns and she was involved in Afghanistan so will you seriously tell me she can't get heroin after bringing that country back up to being the biggest heroin producer in the world.  Remember how she spoke of how she would address that in dealing with America's drug problems?

Yah, me either.

Hillary Clinton isn't a Democrat.  She doesn't even resemble one.

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