Thursday, February 11, 2016

Words, Words, Words

COMPOSTER - fake composer

ASSHOLE - for when you are too lazy to say it right: you are worth no more than the filthiest entrails of a camel and dogs will sleep with your women forevermore.

That's really lazy ... you asshole.

CARNIPAL - friend you make at a GOP convention

HOMELY - a word of insult and that should give a more accurate perception of family value than is offered by Fox News

MELLIFLUOUS - a lovely word no-one knows - look it up, it's worth it.  This is not a trick and the meaning is as beautiful as the sound.

HORRIFIC - a word people adopted readily and in large numbers but they still don't know what mellifluous means.

EGGROLL - what I did not get after three biopsies, four counting last month.  Hugh Jackman isn't keeping up.

POP TARTS - webcam girls

And always remember:

I can't have fucking bubbles in the show.  I'm the Prince of Fucking Darkness and I don't have fucking bubbles. 

Ozzy Osbourne.

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