Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Visiting the Port of Katakolon, Greece

The video presents the side of Katakolon I didn't see since mostly I didn't stay down there much except to take pictures when the cruise ships were in port and the tourists were in town.  I lived a couple of kilometers outside of town where everything was wide open and I loved it.  I couldn't afford to stay in Greece or I would probably still be there.

Pronunciation:  Katakolon is kah-TAH-kah-low

Added bonus with the video:  the soundtrack isn't anything you would ever hear in Katakolon but the views are pretty.

For me, the best times were when the tourists were gone since then I would go to one of the cafes by the water to play chess and hang out.  The vibe was altogether different and the touristas never see that; it's unfortunate since those times are special.

The biggest regret is I didn't last long enough over there for Lotho and his crew to visit.  I couldn't have given them anything since I was dead broke but I could have shown them many things and most of all introduced them to people.  When you go up to Kastro Bar, you speak Greek the best you can and that may be not much but people work it out.  That single thing is one of the biggest illuminations from being there in seeing how hard people will work to communicate with each other when we really want to do it and the amazement is it's not hard at all when you just go for it.

- Insert sweeping editorial on how many times people are not trying to communicate but instead are just giving speeches -

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