Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Groove In G | Playing For Change | Song Around The World

Be prepared for instruments you may never have seen or heard before.

Sometimes people can be dismissive about jam bands as a bunch of stoners going nowhere but this is the finest at the Rockhouse.  They listen so intently to what everyone else is playing and it goes back and forth between them as each sends his or her part.  At the Rockhouse, that's the finest kind of music.  Some will hear them jamming on a groove and walk away but others want to hear what will they do next; the unpredictability relative to the glam precision of high-production numbers is intriguing.

Note:  that's not a slam of glam precision in high-production numbers since I like those too ... a lot.  So do many, it seems, since Lady Gaga sold well over one hundred thousand recordings during the Super Bowl.  There's your answer to declining attendance at NFL games:  get Lady Gaga to play.  She drew higher ratings than the Super Bowl game.

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