Tuesday, February 7, 2017

England Celebrates the Sapphire Jubilee for Queen Elizabeth

There were cannons firing off salutes of up to sixty-two guns yesterday for Queen Elizabeth as she became the only British monarch to ever reach the sixty-five year Sapphire Jubilee milestone.  When that record goes back a thousand years, she is now one for the millennium.  (Daily Mail: Congratulations ma'am! Gun salutes ring out across London to commemorate the Queen becoming the first British monarch to celebrate a Sapphire Jubilee)

Sometimes they speak of royalty in America ... but then they bring in some frump from Arkansas and say, "Here she is."

America lacks the seed stock for royalty (e.g. Hapsburg line) and only wound up with rich people most of whom will tell you they're better than royalty.  Possibly that's true but we'll wait for a sixty-two gun salute to any of them for affirmation.

Queen Elizabeth has been the monarch for almost as long as I've been alive and it doesn't compromise this Socialist's political leanings to have a soft spot for her after I grew up with "God Save the Queen" and Christmas messages from her.

Even in Scotland ...

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