Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Since We Were Talking About Eyes

Unknown if this boy is a moose or an elk but likely he's bigger than your car and definitely do not piss him off.

Our first question is what the hell are you doing, big fella?

We can probably rule out fishing but maybe it was hot on a Spring morning and, "Don't tell me what I ought to be doing, tiny pink creature, as perhaps you will permit me to remind you're the visitor and I live here.  Oh, and keep an eye out for bears so you don't ... whoops, too late."

Part of the intrigue is the gunk on his antlers which, I believe, is the material they call 'velvet' for deer and maybe it's called the same for any antlered creatures.  My dim understanding is the velvet is part of the antlers growing out and it bugs them so they scrape it off against trees, etc.  After the horns achieve their full resplendence, they can find other elk or moose and go Braveheart on each other.

Surely you have seen video footage of horned creatures squaring off and ramming the hell out of each other.  Dayum, that's got to hurt but Big Daddy is trying to get lucky and he's got one hell of a strange way of looking for luck ... or love, as the case may be.

It seems creatures with horns never quite got the 'make love not war' concept since they typically make war just so they can make love as how else does a girl moose know if she's got a really manly moose on her hands.

(Ed:  do you conclude moose are as dumb as the algae in the lake?)

Indubitably.  Just don't piss 'em off.  They're ok unless you screw with them.

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