Tuesday, September 13, 2016

If You Didn't Hate Monsanto Previously, This Should Do It

The headline is much improved ability in translocation of genetic material (i.e. moving genes around in a genome).  (Science Daily:  Breakthrough in genetic modification of grains)

The first part of the blood boiling joy in this one is the increased efficacy of process which makes it substantially easier to create GMO grain products.  Note:  this aspect doesn't make the Rockhouse blood boil as we have entirely different reason to bring out a battalion of Marines with flamethrowers for Monsanto.

The second part is reading through the abstract reveals the research was performed by a team from DuPont.  For today's pop quiz, what gigantic multinational company owns DuPont?

But that's not the reason either to hope everyone in Monsanto should die of bubonic plague in a leper colony.

Research in genetic translocation, addition, deletion is more or less advanced for different organisms and there's no sign that will slow down any time soon nor is there any peer-reviewed reason it should.  It's easy to rent a sciencer to say whatever you like about the horrors or lack of them in just about anything, just ask BP, and there's a false general premise all sciencers have the nobility of the Pope.  Maybe it's true they're all pure of intellectual heart and maybe soccer coaches don't diddle little boys.  Maybe.

Note:  lighten up, soccer coaches, as I'm thinking of one infamous rich bitch coach example who mostly got away with it.

It's your judgment as to whether the science is credible and peer review is a huge part of that for anything the Rockhouse will accept as 'real science.'

The reason for Monsanto's trial by fire is their proprietary approach to food products.  They can patent a particular strain of GMO corn and then manipulate the market (e.g. EU) to give their product preferential treatment.  In the case of EU, there's been overt governmental consideration of restriction of strains of plants (e.g. tomatoes) which are permissible inside the EU.  Such considerations have huge financial consequences and hence the reason for the manipulation.

There's nothing new in proprietary seeds for grain and the signs for the different varieties are or were at one time all over the country with farmers posting signs indicating which variety they have planted.  Presumably the seed seller gives the farmer a break on the price for putting up the sign and then the seed seller gets more business if he has a good crop.  All of that is fine but Monsanto brings the twist of giving that particular seed an artificial market preference and that's where we get into the sci fi but it's horror fi now.

We don't hate Monsanto for GMO and the research is actually encouraging for understanding of how such things work.  The most basic elements of genetics came from Gregor Mendel, a monk who studied plants.  Luther Burbank was one of the great wizards of crossbreeding plants and he created all manner of 'natural' GMO plants.  Maybe he needs some latitude for manually cross-pollinating plants but it's still 'natural' relative to software being used for essentially the same purpose.

Right about this time, the crew who wants to send the fire monkeys because of GMO has probably stormed away but that's how it goes with the Rockhouse and we have no problem with genetic research although review by the hypothetical ethics review board is preferred as soon as possible.  We have a huge problem with shitty business practices and you already know the editorial on those.

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