Wednesday, April 6, 2016

For Nervous Republicans ...

Just as we have been saying Bernie Sanders needs an honest and legitimate Opposition, so does the Republican Party.  When both parties are infested by corporate corruption, nothing approaching honesty is possible.

Bernie Sanders and his divestiture of any type of corporate influence is not perfect, as noted regarding support for Lockheed Martin in Vermont, but likely it requires little further comment to document he is streets ahead of anyone else in this regard, even to Republicans.

Bernie Sanders needs a legitimate Opposition rather than the Mitch "Oppose Everything" McConnell variety which has no chance of accomplishing anything except obstruction and character assassination (i.e. his own).  Even with Republicans controlling Congress, he accomplished absolutely nothing and neither did the party as a whole.  In large part, they did not stop Obama, however, and all McConnell really gained is a well-deserved reputation for being ineffectual, as did the party as a whole.

The unwavering, no compromise position of the GOP is more the behavior of a child than anything else as we can see readily how little it adds to governance.  Tantrums in Washington accomplish about the same as they accomplish anywhere else.

The GOP has not been fielding a quality team as so many of them are now Dixiecrat ringers with no particular allegiance to anything, definitely not the party platform.  The Democratic Party is not far off demanding the GOP to get rid of them so we can get down to business as it should be patently obvious by now the Dixiecrat Southern politicians will never make a deal on anything unless they write every word of it.

Kasich is the only one of the current motley crew representing the GOP party faithful and that boy is trying to catch a whale with a fishing pole.  Maybe he can sink the hook but he has no chance of landing the beast and only makes a fool of himself or lunch in trying.

That failure which allows marginal talents like Trump and Cruz to succeed is the prime symptom of the death of the GOP because, in effect, the New Democrats absorbed their corruption and the GOP was left with nothing but a bunch of dimwitted evangelicals.

Note:  yah, I know some of you are bright.  So ... tell me about the Duggars or let's maybe spend some quality time with Creflo Dollar (cough).

Bernie Sanders needs a quality Opposition from the GOP just as much as the GOP needs a quality Opposition to present themselves well.  Both parties, ever since at least the Reagan years, have been competing with each other to reach the nadir in human behavior and morality.  America's wild greed has been abhorrent to much of the world and yet nothing much changes.  Neither party will come up roses while that continues.

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