Saturday, November 9, 2013

Odd That Twitter Stock Price Falls

Twitter zoomed after its IPO but analysts are downgrading estimates.  It's true that fundamentals are weak but prospects are strong.  Facebook makes the big bucks as one bloated, massively-commercial piece of crap but I really do think the potential for Twitter is much higher.  This will be interesting to watch.  (CNN:  Twitter stock already downgraded)

Twitter has broken more news stories and followed them more closely than anything else on the planet whereas Facebook is about the last place on the planet for news.  Very strange how this is playing.  We shall see.

My biggest problem with Facebook isn't so much the dubious content as people will talk about what they like but rather it's way, way too time-consuming for what it gives.  With Twitter you can find what you want and be done with it in a flash.  Much, much better!

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