Sunday, September 4, 2016

Pray Your Kids Do Not Turn Out So Moronic (video w/peppers)

There's nothing new with Ghost Peppers, Carolina Reaper Peppers, etc and kids have been making themselves sick with them in one inane video after the other for years.

There are two more and they seem to believe they possess Halter Top Immunity which means flashing their boobies in front of a camera will keep them safe.

Didn't work.

Scoville units are measures of heat in peppers and a jalapeno pepper will be about 1,000 to 20,000 Scoville units.  The Ghost Pepper and the California Reaper are well over a million Scoville units and the effect seen in the video has been in videos for at least two and more likely three or four years now, maybe more; who tracks such things like Sherlock Holmes anyway.  They do it and repeat the same mistake, never seeming to have watched the many other videos about it.

If your kid turns out like this, it's probably best to reclaim the kid's water for the tribe but, after eating one of these peppers there probably won't be much water left in the kid.

Note:  I'm not unsympathetic to the effect, particularly for the dark-haired girl, but I have little sympathy for the reason.

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