Tuesday, April 5, 2016

They Swarmed to Support De Niro and "Vaxxed" ... All Four of Them

Yesterday, we made clear our views on De Niro, quack science, and anti-vaxx.  Inevitably came the torrent of strident shrews, frigid fraus, and the worried wealthy to defend De Niro as he does for medicine what Neville Chamberlain did for world peace.

Yah, that terrifying torrent of torrid tyros came ... all four of them ... and they were expounding medical theories which would have played to high drama ... in 1816 ... maybe even 1916 ... but (sob) now they only play to the Not So Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.

(Ed:  joining the cause for anti-vaxx is because they weren't accepted to be on reality TV shows?)

You guessed it, Dagwood.

Even better, Leonard Cohen said 'a plague is coming' and now the Not So Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, under the not so real tutelage of Robert De Niro, will help bring it.

Note:  this is the original, not my cover of the song.  Matthew Perrault is the reason I decided to cover it because his band did an outstanding arrangement of it and he sings it just swell.  He's good guy with highly-diverse tastes.  Check him out some time.

Anti-vaxx is the exemplification of Facebook Science and the consequence of relying solely on the Encyclopedia Mundanica (i.e. YouTube) for research on anything more than Taylor Swift's nonexistent sex life.

(Ed:  why do you keep harping on Taylor Swift?)

Because she's so aggressively trivial.

 As commented previously, anti-vaxx is based on some pseudo-science from a discredited doctor (i.e. Wakefield) and the four Strident Sallies were ever so quick to observe his scientific standing has been restored.

Note:  it has not.  His license to practice medicine has not been restored and he has no standing in the scientific community.

The Four Femmes screech he is accepted by science now ... but Creationist Science doesn't count.  We mean real science, li'l honeys, and, by the way, those new blue jeans ... not a good idea.

(Li'l Honey:  they make my ass look fat?)

Like Kate Smith after a pizza party, darlin'.

It takes more than four Twitter rats to make a movement but possibly the others aren't even capable of typing when they sure as hell never attended any school.  It's not clear what drives Immaculate Intellectualism (i.e. that which appears without any apparent foundation for it in actual education) but there's a great deal of it in terms of vitamins you should be taking, the safest type of sweetener, why aspirin will kill you, etc, etc.  Whereas at one time, granny's ideas of traditional medicine had a great deal of value, now they're worth almost nothing because so many (e.g. De Niro, Doctor Oz, et al) are trying to make a buck on it proclaiming theories they don't understand.

(Ed:  what are yout medical qualifications?)

None whatsoever.  That's why I go to experts and the only expertise coming out of Beverly Hills is how to pelt your neighbor's house with eggs (e.g. Justin Bieber).

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